
Ceramic Materials: Processes, Properties, and Applications

Ceramic Materials: Processes, Properties, and Applications

From the Back Cover

This book is primarily an introduction to the vast family of ceramic materials. The first part is devoted to the basics of ceramics and processes: raw materials, powders synthesis, shaping and sintering. It discusses traditional ceramics as well as “technical” ceramics – both oxide and non-oxide – which have multiple developments.
The second part focuses on properties and applications, and discusses both structural and functional ceramics, including bioceramics. The fields of abrasion, cutting and tribology illustrate the importance of mechanical properties. It also deals with the questions/answers of a ceramicist regarding electronuclear technology. As chemistry is an essential discipline for ceramicists, the book shows, in particular, what soft chemistry can contribute as a result of sol-gel methods.

About the Author

Philippe Boch was Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France and at the Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles, where he was also Director of Doctoral Studies in Materials Science. His scientific activities broadly concerned materials, ranging from physical metallurgy to non-destructive ultrasonic techniques and ceramic processes, with a recent shift to bioceramics and cementitious materials. His contributions appear in more than 200 scientific papers, and were recognized by several prestigious awards, among which the Stuijts award of the European Ceramic Society and the Chaudron medal of the French Society of Metallurgy and Materials. He was also a Distinguished Life member of the American Ceramic Society, and a member of the World Academy of Ceramics.

Jean-Claude Niepce is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Bourgogne in Dijon, France. His main research interest is the production of nanopowders and nanoceramics in the field of linear and nonlinear dielectric materials. He is secretary of the French Ceramics Group and member of the European Ceramic Society.


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